Friday, September 9, 2011

Trash Can Rebelion - 2D Animatic


So it all comes to an end, with the completion of the final project: production of a 2D Animatic of my story.

I added sounds, and experimented with them, which gives me a different perspective on how will sound affect certain key scenes in my movie. I think it´s looking kinda funny :)

When making the animatic, I could clearly understand that it is a vital step towards the pace of the movie. In my Storyboard, I had defined an estimate amount of time for each shot, but when producing the Animatic I saw that I could make some shots shorter, and some others longer, even though my Animatic does not have every single action in the movie, which is something I need to consider on my next storyboard: more shots, to have a clearer understanding of the pace of the movie.

The good thing is that, according to my calculations, the duration of the movie is under 60 seconds, so that would give me room for the necessary changes and eventual shots I would need to add to the movie.

From an editor´s perspective, I can definitely see that this workflow is such a time saver towards planning of the movie´s different shots, plus it allows the editor to either exclude or include more scenes without having to "film" them all. Cost and time effective process.

One thing that I could have added to the story board is color. Although it may not be necessary, it would definitely emphasize the dimension of certain scenes, characters, etc, . But on another hand, it can also make things more confusing and might not be so practical. I would prefer to have a stage in my workflow where I draw characters and scenarios focusing solely in the design aspect of the movie.

All in all, these three projects were very productive and knowledge full. I must say, that for the first time, I feel myself looking at my ideas with a production point of view in mind. And this experience is invaluable in my professional future.

Thanks for reading!

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